Liability insurance for software programmers
John is a software programmer. Two months ago, he started a business focusing on data security and networks. Because he handles sensitive customer data, privacy and security are extremely important in his line of work.Moreover, any small mistake or accident on his part can cause disproportionate damage, and his customers can sue him. Even something like spilling his coffee onto his customers’ computers can destroy his business and reputation.To cover his risks and exposures, John acquired liability coverage. We also quoted him for cyber coverage because he will need protection against hackers and computer breaches.These days, everyone is getting breached, even business owners who thought they were too small to get hacked. Cyber is the new fire, so to speak.John thought he didn’t need cyber coverage. He was also concerned with cost: having just started a new business, he has to keep a watchful eye on his expenses.To truly discover his needs, we analyzed his business and asked him a number of detailed questions. We determined that the costs of not having cyber coverage may vastly outnumber the monthly payments. He may face very high costs indeed if he is sued for a breach and he doesn’t have the appropriate coverage.We also gave him tangible examples of what can happen to his business if he lacks coverage.At this point, everyone internet access needs cyber coverage. Any device, any website, any app and any business can be hacked.Highly connected, mobile on-the-go business owners have particularly high exposures to cyber risks. Our analysis helped John see this bigger picture and consider risks and challenges that were not top of mind.We placed his policy with an insurance company that specializes in cyber coverage and other IT matters. This means they have the capacity to take care of John’s needs. It wasn’t the “cheapest” quote, but we don’t believe in cheap because cheap doesn’t take care of customers.Finally, we explained to John why we did what we did so he wouldn’t have any surprises about his costs and coverages. To create even more value for John, we are also quoting his home and auto policies.Worried about hackers? Contact us today to protect your business.