Transform your life by changing the conversation in your head

Are you stuck in your life? If it feels like things aren’t working, we invite you to discover the power of conversation.
Start by acknowledging the conversation you’re having in your head all the time. Notice the way you refer to the people and situations in your life. This internal conversation frames the way you approach everything. Sometimes you’re not even aware of it, but the tape is always playing.
You can become present to your internal conversation by sitting alone in a quiet room for five minutes. After a few seconds, thoughts will be buzzing through your head, like flies against the glass. Notice what your thoughts are saying without becoming attached to them.
Observing your thoughts in this way is part of mindfulness. You can train yourself to avoid identifying too closely with your thoughts.
What does this look like in practice and why would you want to do it?
Remember a situation when you were going home tired after a long day at work. Negative thoughts start pooling in your head: “I am always stuck. I won’t get anywhere. I’m a failure.” Let’s say you often get negative thoughts when tired, but things improve after you have rested. When the negative thoughts start crowding in your head, make a conscious effort to repress and ignore them until you have rested. And actually stick with it. Do not dwell on your thoughts until you have actually rested.
Keeping your promises in this way builds your own credibility with yourself. Initially, your emotions may break your focus as you attempt to observe yourself. But the more you practice, the easier it will get. The intention is to separate yourself from your negative thoughts so that they don’t contaminate your entire perception.
There’s no reason to let something as intangible as thoughts ruin your day. The voice inside your head doesn’t have to dictate your life. As far as we know, you can’t disable that voice, but you can train it to be positive and constructive instead of negative.