Turning frustration into satisfaction and new business through customer service
Mr. Vassil came into our office last week upset about his increasing premium but he left satisfied with his auto policy and having requested a quote on life insurance. We had turned his frustration into peace of mind and gotten more of his business. How did we do it?Originally, Vassil came in to renew his auto policy. He also wanted to move to a different insurer because his renewal premium was higher than his current rate.As always, the first thing we do with every customer is get access to their world by asking questions. Once we’ve truly heard them, we take action to address their needs and communicate every step of the way. In Vassil’s case this meant sourcing solutions from multiple insurers to get the best possible value for him.We also explained the consequences and impact of his recent at-fault accident and the way insurers apply at-fault determination rules. One such consequence was that he would have to pay extra if he were to move to a new insurer. Because he has accident forgiveness coverage with his current insurer, Vassil saw there was no point in him moving to a different provider.Thanking us for addressing his concerns, he was also very receptive to having a conversation about life insurance the moment we mentioned it. As it turns out, he had been looking for life insurance for himself and his family. Plus he liked the convenience of having multiple policies through one broker.We got in action once again to prepare him quotes from several insurers so that he has more choice should he decide to acquire the life policy. As for the accident – it will come off his record in five years and we will be sure to discuss his options in advance as well as maintain communication throughout.How do you meet your customers’ needs when they’re upset? Comment below or tweet us @TheShepherdGroup